The world of horticultural products is divided into different types of crops. With vegetables we distinguish between open ground cultivation
or greenhouse cultivation
(greenhouse vegetables). Examples of open field vegetables are: leeks, cauliflower, celeriac, spinach and carrots. Tomatoes, cabbage lettuce, peppers, cucumber, aubergines, lamb’s lettuce, etc. are the best-known examples.
Keep track of food trends and cooking tips with Belgian products. Be inspired by the seasons and discover delicious recipes by ingredient, cooking, season or theme at “Lekker van bij ons”.
Keep track of food trends and cooking tips with Belgian products. Be inspired by the seasons and discover delicious recipes by ingredient, cooking, season or theme at “Lekker van bij ons”.
Keep track of food trends and cooking tips with Belgian products. Be inspired by the seasons and discover delicious recipes by ingredient, cooking, season or theme at “Lekker van bij ons”.